Emmylou Harris in Paradiso 11 juni 1996
Een half jaar na het prachtige concert met Daniel Lanois was Emmylou Harris weer in Amsterdam, en ze had er zin in. Na een kort (35 minuten) en niet erg geinspireerd voorprogramma van Joe Henry met band, speelde ze samen met haar drie begeleiders, de Spyboys (Buddy Miller gitaar, Brady Blade drums, Daryll Johnson bass en percussie) meer dan 2 uur lang de sterren van de hemel. Lees de recensie die dankzij de Emmylou Online Nieuwsbrief de wereld rondgestuurd werd:
The Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands June 11, 1996 by Pieter Roos
It was an excellent concert at the Paradiso with a near capacity crowd. Everybody was relaxed and Emmylou seemed quite at ease with the hard driving and swinging band. The sound was much the same as last november when she played with Daniel Lanois. Small wonder: she had kept the rhythm section. As we know she has always had a very fine nose for picking talented musicians. Seems she stil has it. Even Buddy Miller sounded like Lanois, playing a mean electric lead guitar. The rhythm section stood as a rock.
Last year Emmylou was very emotional about playing at the Paradiso (once a church, now a rock temple) after 20 years and it was nearly impossible for her to leave the podium. Now she still seemed to like the crowd very much (it was mutual) but she could bring the concert to a normal end - still they played for more than two hours, with two encores.
It felt a bit silly to write down the titles of the songs on a small piece of paper and I didn't know all of them - but here they are, I've tried as good as I could:
1. Where Will I Be 2. Orphan Girl 3. Wrecking Ball 4. Poncho & Lefty 5. One Of These Days 6. Two More Bottles Of Wine 7. Ain't Living Long Like This 8. Farther Along 9. Love Hurts 10. Goodbye ("Thank You, Steve Earle" she said after bringing down the house) 11. Going Back To Harlan 12. Deeper Well 13. ... (missed that one) 14. A River For Him (she said it was a new song she'd written herself and that she'd never played during a concert) 15. Tulsa Queen 16. Wheels 17. ... 18. Sweet Old World 19. Every Grain Of Sand 20. All My Tears 21. Get Up John / drum solo (directly followed by) First encore 22. Boulder To Birmingham 23. Indian Red Second Encore 25. Happy Birthday (it was nearly midnight and one of the road crew was having her birthday on wednesday - a beautiful version) 26. You Don't Miss Your Water
After which Emmylou was very generous to us, she said "I will never forget this evening, thank you for sticking to us all those years".
Deze recensie werd in 1996 op de toenmalige website van Blues Stay Away Music geplaatst.